
Mix Tape's History Remix

Being Elvis-A Lonely Life Book review

I wanted to read this book the second I saw the title. I expected a thesis on how Presley being walled off from the public lead to his decline. That is in here, but it's fleeting lines and paragraphs. This book is mostly a bio of Presley. A lot of this is just exploitive, some old rumors, and some retreads of other books. I recognized whole sections from other books I read, not copying, but retold quotes and stories. 

This author very much dislikes Tom Parker. Over the years, Parker has become the villian in many Presley tales. It is warranted. The guy made insane money when he should’ve gotten a smaller comission. He also prevented greater creative growth. He also may have walled Presley off believing if Elvis saw how others lived, he would realize Parker ripped him off.

The author does take on the common opinion that had Presley met other celebs he could've commiserated. I believe Johnny Cash wrote about that years ago, so did Bruce Springsteen. In reading this I felt I read others' opinions not the author. 

Perhaps the title gave the impression I would read something different. I read a biography like I read before.

Three stars

JJ Lair