
Mix Tape's History Remix

That Was the Same Guy Part 3-Shel Silverstein

Where the Sidewalk Ends is one of the most popular children's books of all time and it's so oddball that adults love it. You still see Falling Up, A Lightnin the Attic, and The Giving Tree prominently displayed in bookstores years after Shel Silverstein died. 



Silverstein was born in September 1930 and died May 1999. In that time, he became an American icon. Silverstein won two Grammys and was nominated for a Golden Globe and an Academy Award. 


That is an incredible writing career, but he also wrote some great rock songs. He wrote the big hits for Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show called Cover of the Rolling Stone (see the April 2nd post from this year) and Sylvia's Mother.

He also wrote the Johnny Cash classics, A Boy Named Sue and 25 Minutes To Go. Both theses songs were made famous when Cash recorded them live at San Quentin Prison. 


He also wrote St.Patricks Day favorite The Unicorn


Silverstein wrote classic books, and Irish classic, country and pop songs. 


It was the same guy? 



Yes it was. 


Here's the link to the website to see all his accomplishments


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