
Mix Tape's History Remix

The Life of Bobby Rydell

There are parts of this book that were interesting. He tells stories of how he made it and contacts over the years. I could tell pretty quick that this was self-published. The writing style just felt it. There are stories about growing up that I didn’t care. I don’t care about his school. When the fame comes, it gets interesting. 
The book is conversational and easy going to read, but too conversational. It could’ve used a clean up editing job. 
The book doesn’t give up gossip on other performers. He met a fair number of rockers over the years. To Bobby Rydell's credit, he does get into his faults, alcohol, absentee parenting, and first sexual encounters. This wasn't just a memoir where the author tells everyone how great he was. He does own up to shortcomings in an honest way. 
When I went to the book signing, Bobby Rydell went into the story of his donated liver. Everyone in the room was enraptured. I got the book thinking that organ donating would be a big theme. It gets only a few pages in the book.

Here's a link to the book

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