Is Social Media Still Working for You?
We don’t have a lot of book fairs or author signings in stores yet. I went to some Zoom conferences from writers, but they couldn’t sell books. So how are you, fellow authors, getting your books in readers’ hands?
I know you need a platform. Websites are still important for presentations. i was told any author that wants a future has to have a website.
Facebook has become a beacon of ridiculous. The heads of the company are constantly in Congress hearings. My feed is anti-vaxxers, conspiracy followers, and people that clearly don’t know history. It seems all the interesting people are leaving because of these posters. I once discovered authors on Facebook. I even met some of my “friends” later in book fairs. Now, I don’t see them. Maybe they are really writing. I used to complain that it was too many people selling stuff. Now it appears selling through Facebook isn’t working anymore.
Goodreads should be the best. A site devoted to readers, but there are no interaction places. I have Friends but the profiles are so vague. I try to leave detailed reviews so you know I really read the books. Other just post stars or a sentence or two.
Reddit is so busy already that I may be too late.