
Mix Tape's History Remix

Working on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an odd holiday. It’s on a Thursday instead of Monday like most or Friday. Some celebrators get off work or school on Friday after, some don’t. Television plays up these big gatherings that last till night. It’s funny because people have a big dinner around 3 pm on Thanksgiving. “Family Guy” made a joke about that in an episode. So while it’s a recognized National Holiday, it stays low key because it’s on a Thursday. 

Are you making a playlist for Thanksgiving? You could have songs like “Thank You” by Led Zeppelin. Natalie Merchant “Warm and Generous.” Do you go with food songs like “Cinnamon Girl” by Neil Young, “Apples, Peaches Pumpkin Pie” by the Esquires. 

Thanksgiving can’t be celebrated by everyone. Movie theaters stay open, delis and stores that sell batteries have to stay open. Casinos in Atlantic City stay open. Hospitals stay open. 

So this holiday let’s not forget the people still working. Let’s thank them.  

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