Lazy Days and Spring
I can’t do lazy days. They make me anxious. There is always stuff to do, places to see, and media to consume.
Summer is often too hot to do things outside. I can somewhat enjoy a lazy day inside in air conditioning. I once lived in a studio apartment in Providence that had bars on the windows, so no air conditioning. I would just sit and sweat. The health club I had a membership for had a pool so I could go there.
Those hot summer days spent inside are good for reading or watching a new movie. We can play a video game. I don’t even care if I win or not. I don’t get the free time to get good at these games normally. Summer is a good time to drink a cold lemon-lime beverage.
Winters are an inside time as well. Snow days are good for watching the snow fall and dreading cleaning it. We can still play a game. A pot of coffee smells good. I could still read or write up some blog ideas for future posts. I don’t have that blog schedule app so I can edit the old posts.
Now it's Spring. The weather is good to just get a beverage and sit outside for a bit. I can't read a monitor in the sun so it's physical books or notebook time. The parks have people but we space out. Spring is a good time to take a long walk.
A day on the couch sleeping is just never in the cards for me.