
Mix Tape's History Remix

Batman 1986-the template for all cinema Batman since

1986 was a good years for comics, but the overall world didn’t know it at the time. In one year, you got Frank Miller, Alan Moore and Art Spielgman classics. 

The Dark KnighReturns was a series of four comics written by Frank Miller and illustrated by Klaus Janson along with Miller. These were combined into one book called “The Dark Knight.” I heard of this in 1988 or so. We didn’t have access to comics where I lived. It was a dark time. Tim Burton used this series as a template for his Batman movie.  

We didn’t know what to expect with that movie. There were early pictures of Batman with the dark suit. In the comics, they stick to the classic gray and blue. Micheal Keaton was known for humor so we didn’t know what he would do. it looked dark, but with a comedian, was this Batman 1966 again?

 I didn’t actually read the book, The Dark Knight Returns till last year. It was an experience. Every Batman movie after 1989 used this series as a template. Every Batman after 1989 used the Burton/Keaton Batman in cinema too. 

I’ll try not to spoil the book, but probably will. An older Batman is looking to settle scores. He battles the Joker, a gang called the Mutants and he is vicious about it. The Batman is so deadly that then government sends Superman to stop him. 

This sets up the 1989 Batman movie, The Dark Knight Returns and Batman vs. Superman. It takes a look at the Batman being a vigilante. We may cheer the vigilante but we can’t reward that behavior. That’s why we have police and authority figures. Did Batman snap from the years, or was he always wrong? 

We don’t even get into Superman’s role in this. He had his own things to work so why go after Batman? We as comic fans would debate this, but did we really want to see it? Turned out yes. 

    On a similar note, Wolverine is sent to fight the Incredible Hulk when authorities feel Hulk is out of control in the Marvel universe. This is an angle used many times later.

The book of the collected stories is still available and still enjoyable. 

If you get the chance look for it.