My Writing Desk is a Mess but it's My Mess
My desk is a mess. This is a cliche. My desk is a cliche.
We picture the writer with notes and post-it notes stuck to the computer and him/herself. Writers Digest magazine will tell us that the way to make it in this and any business is to be organized. My organization may not be the same as yours, but I should be able to find something if needed.
So the desk is a mess, but I know where my notes on a subject are.
I’m writing about Teddy Randazzo and this means computer links and notes and books and music. I know where the compact discs are. I see the links on my hard drive. I can find the information where I need it. If anything, there is information overload. Little Anthony articles are everywhere. I had to buy books for research.
I’m also writing another book and there are notes abound here. The thing is that there is a second pile of notebooks and notes. This pile doesn’t interfere with with the Randazzo notes.
If I was a cliche, these piles would intermingle. They would be a mess of scribble. If that happens, I can’t function.
So writer friends, we can multi-task, we can have multiple projects but we have to be organized.
Good luck