
Mix Tape's History Remix

Julian Lennon's New Album- Jude

Julian Lennon released a new album in September 2022. He’s been putting out music since 1984 when his debut album Valotte hit the stores. A career in music that spans almost 40 years would be celebrated normally. Lennon had one Top 10 song in America so the new album got little notice.

I noticed.

I listened to the new album, Jude,  as soon I could hear it streaming. He does a lot singer-songwriter ballads. We’ve known that he enjoys the keyboards from that one Top Ten song, “Too Late for Goodbyes.” It seems like he doesn’t like or listen to EDM. It’s too bad because he has that kind of airy haunting voice that works over the right jam. Kate Bush and Suzanne Vega were popular in early EDM because they have those kind of voices. Gareth Emery is the only English deejay I know and he’s too frantic. Moby doesn’t do that ambient EDM anymore. If you can think of someone like that, a remix or feature could be good.

“Jude” is the new album. Lennon sings about war, the environment, and loneliness. He’s done these themes before. If you follow his recent activities, he is very vested in the environment so these songs are special to him. He is a major part of the White Feather Foundation, an environmental group.

I watched an interview and some of these songs were ideas as far back as twenty years ago. I can hear some of “Help Yourself” or “Photograph Smile” in the melodies.

Breathe” and “Round and Round” are my favorites. There is plenty to hear multiple times.