
Mix Tape's History Remix

Candy Girl by Diablo Cody

I had Dream Dancing done. There were some last edits to do. I did research on the characters and the places because I wanted to make sure my characters made sense and were real. It was the same reason that I bought Strip City. (See last week's blog)

Candy Girl came out in 2006. It was right about the time Strip City came out. The market had an interest in these dancers. Dream Dancing was due to come out at a good time. 
I bought this book in hardcover to do the research immediately. 
In Candy Girl, a bored copy editor named Cody wants an adventure and finds herself in a strip club in Manhattan. She keeps her day job while having this adventurous side life. Eventually the wild side makes more money than the day job and she plunges into that world. She travels and dances in all kinds of clubs, from seedy to classy-no-touch places. 

Because she had a background as an editor, the writing is alive. She gets into the sites and sounds of these clubs. The reader gets the lights and smells and uncomfortable scenarios. The men that are too grabby are written about in detail.
Life events changes things for her and she eventually leaves the clubs behind. 

After this book is published, Diablo will go on to be nominated for an Academy Award for writing Juno. She will also write another movie and a Showtime series.

If you want to read about her wild life, I would recommend it. The book is still available at Here's the link:

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