
Mix Tape's History Remix

We Can't forget These Two Mets Players

Rafael Santana
Short stop is a tough position in baseball. They are the cutoff person for someone throwing from the outfield to the infield. They are between second and third base in case of pick-offs. If the second basemen has to leave the base to assist, it’s the shortstop that covers second base. 
This position was filled by Rafael Santana on the 1986 Mets team. In addition to fielding, Santana had a .218 average with 28 RBIS. 

Roy Knight
During the 1986 World Series, all seems lost for the Mets. Roger Clemens pitched an incredible game. Each inning was close and suspenseful. 

A player who joined the Mets in 1985 will get the winning run for the Mets in game 6. He had a solid but not spectacular record. Roy Knight saved the Mets that game. 

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