
Mix Tape's History Remix

Let It Snow Vaughn Monroe Sang

Mr.Garrity had a bunch of Vaugh Monroe records in his collection when he cleaned out his garage. Mix Tape knew the name but not much else. Let's discover Vaughn Monroe this week. 

Monroe was born on October 7, 1911 in Akron Ohio. His family later moved and he graduated high school in Pennslyvania. He was part of small bands learning his craft until he formed his own band in 1940, The Vaughn Monroe Orchestra. He was quickly signed to RCA on their Bluebird Label. Monroe was such an instant success that he took his early recording and touring money and built the Meadows restaurant and nightclub in Framingham Massachusettes. At a time when bands traveled all over the country to promote their music, Monroe did a broadcast radio show from the Meadows starting in 1946. 

Radio was a great new luxury for people in rural areas and performers. Before radio, a performer had to tour to every small town and get a gig. These bands played big halls and small restaurants to get the word out and get paid. Monroe could stay home with his wife and two daughters and still reach millions of ears. 

What did he give those millions of ears? 

Racing with the Moon was his first big seller. In the Still of the NightThere I GoThere I Said It Again would become a hit again years later by fellow Pennsylvania crooner Bobby Vinton. Monroe's biggest hit was his version of Ghost Riders in the Sky. You may also know the seasonal favorite Let it Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow

He would have 4 Gold Records and 5 number 1 hits. 

This fame would allow him to branch out to movies and television. I've read these were not his preferred mediums. He did have his own show in 1950-1951 and then again in 1954. 

After the big band era, Monroe stayed with RCA as a talent scout. He has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 


Monroe passed away on May 21, 1973. 


You can learn more about Monroe on his website, or wikipedia. 

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