
Mix Tape's History Remix

Working in a Newspaper Stand

There used to be newspaper stands in major cities in the 1980s. They were wood or all plastic sheds and one person worked inside. Back then, that person would sell twenty types of newspapers a day and have a wall of magazines to the side. They may also sell cigarettes or gum. 

Imagine working in one such booth everyday and being so busy that you don’t even notice the news around you. 

Nick works in one. What is it like? 

“Everyday there were headlines. Everywhere politicians praise themselves. Crime is up then it’s down. Blizzards. Heat Waves. Yeah, I carry twenty different newspapers a day; Wall Street Journal, Star Ledger, Herald News, Newsday, Daily News. So busy selling them that I don’t even read them. 

What’s to read? Weather. It’s hot. I see the sun. 

In January, it’s cold in this shed. People come and go. 

Want a magazine? 

Yeah I I have a little radio in the corner and a wood bench. Do I read the papers? Who has time?

Did you know the country went broke in 2008? I sold newspapers. People bought those papers every day like normal. I had no idea. Ronald Regan died. Really he did. I guess I knew, but didn’t pay attention. New batch of papers is coming and I have to make space. No time to read the news today.” 

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