
Mix Tape's History Remix

Rolling Stone Magazine Top 500- I listened to the ranked 400s

I’m listening to albums backward from 500 down to 1. I’m discovering albums that I’ve heard of, but didn’t pursue. “The Stooges” by The Stooges turned out to be better than I thought it would be. They are always portrayed as sloppy and loud. There are melodies and lyrics. You look at young Iggy Pop and see this guy that cut himself on stage and think, this will be loud and boring.

“Damaged” by Black Flag has humor and clear guitars.

“Nick of Time” by Bonnie Raitt and “How Will the Wolf Survive” by Los Lobos were albums that music critics liked. I never really tried to find them or get into them. I played both on repeat for awhile. They are timeless.

I’m still in the 400s and some albums are dated. I may have liked them back then, but they don’t hold the same interest.

I think there are albums that are here as a joke to see if anyone pays attention. (Weekend. Usher).

Pet shop Boys “Actually”  James Brown, “Sex Machine” LCD Soundsystem “Sound of Silver” and Yo La Tengo “I Can Hear the Heart Beating as one” are fun, jazzy, pop, and funky.

This is only the 400s and I have discovered treasures already.